Tag Archives: interval training

3-2-1 Done!

19 Jun

Do you ever integrate interval training into your workout routines? Intervals burn more calories than normal workouts and are a great way for runners to increase speed. One of my favorite interval routines is called 3-2-1. I did 5 miles of these intervals yesterday and it really works up a sweat! Here’s how you do it:

  • Warm up for 5 minutes at a jog. I set the treadmill to 6.5 mph for 5 minutes.
  • Then, run at a comfortable pace for 3 minutes. I run at 7 mph.
  • For the next 2 minutes, up your speed a little bit. I run at 7.5 mph.
  • Then sprint for 1 minute. I sprint at 9 mph.
  • Repeat! For at least 30 minutes.

I have been doing interval training for a couple of years and have seen my speed increase so much as a result. I used to run an average 10 minute mile and now I’m comfortable at closer to an 8:30 mile pace, thanks to interval training! Has anyone else had good results doing interval training?